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Freshman Orientation Information

Mrs. Michelle Payton

Contact Information:
636-745-7500  x 10908
Counselor for students with last names starting with A-L

Mrs. Jennifer Sommer

636-745-7500 x10907
Counselor for students with last names starting with M-Z

Mrs. Abigail Jackson

Contact Information:
(636)745-7500  x 10909
Career Counselor for Middle and High School

Mrs. Kathy Lewis

Contact Information:
(636)745-7500  x  10903
High School Registrar

To the Class of 2029:

Greetings to all parents and guardians of our Wright City R-II School District community! As we embark on an exciting journey, we are thrilled to extend a warm welcome to the prospective freshman class of 2029. We understand the importance of staying informed, and we have committed to providing essential dates and details by December 2024 to ensure a smooth transition for your incoming high school students.

We look forward to fostering a strong partnership with you throughout this journey, and we're committed to providing the necessary support for your child's success. Stay tuned for further communications as we embark on this exciting chapter together.